Tango as science

Milonga in the Grey Salon / Photo: Roland Ferrigato

It happens frequently that the Science Ball becomes the object of research. A particularly fine example is a musicological publication by Stefano Elefante, who since 2018 has left an extremly elegant footprint on the dancefloor of our Tango Bar with his excellent Tango Argentino dancers. In the extraordinarily well-researched paper (“Gran Balli e Millonghe”), which appeared in the most important Italian tango blog in the fall of 2020, Stefano Elefante et al explain the similarities and differences between milongas in Buonos Aires and balls in Vienna: “It is only since 2017 that Argentine tango has made a permanent entry into the traditional dance events of Vienna, through the prestigious TU Wien Ball. Other events followed, such as the Science Ball, which has included this new rhythm in its program annually since 2019.”

In the meantime, the text has been published also on relevant blogs and e-zines in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Poland, Uruguay and the United States. We look forward seeing you again at the Tango Bar on January 29, 2022!

Ball Total 2020 Ball Magazin (AT): “Opernball und Tango. Wien und Buenos Aires”

Tango y cultura popular (AR): “Tango in Vienna’s imperial palace”

The Tangueria (AU): “Tango Traditions and Viennesse Balls”

Bautanz (CA): “Dancers are explorers”

tango-argentino-online.com (DE): “Der argentinische Tango debütierte bei den traditionellen Wiener Bällen”

YouTango (DE): “Wiener Bälle und Tango in Buenos Aires”

Tango y Gotan (IT): “Gran Balli e Millonghe. A Vienna e a Buenos Aires”

Auckland Tango (NZ): “Balls and Milongas in Vienna and Buenos Aires. Analysis and Comparison”

Volver Casa di Tango (PL): “Balls and Milongas in Vienna and Buenos Aires”

elmontevideano (UY): “Especial desde Viena”

Tango Alison (US): “Balls and Milongas in Vienna and Buenos Aires: analysis and comparison”



Live music in the Red Salon / Photo: Kerstin Zimmermann/party.at
Stefano Elefante (5th from right) and his colleagues at the milonga in the Red Salon / Photo: Kerstin Zimmermann/party.at