All posts by Oliver Lehmann

Elke Ziegler: reason to celebrate

Ursula Hummel-Berger, ORF

Science is the basis of a sustainable modern society. It provides the tools to understand the dimensions of the challenges we face. It proposes solutions, highlights their potential and thus prepares the ground for reasoned political action – from pandemics to climate warming to species extinction. Trust in science means understanding the path to knowledge and appreciating results. This basis should be put beyond dispute in the political debate – then science and society would have reason to celebrate far beyond the pandemic.

Elke Ziegler is science editor with Ö1 and was awarded the Robert Hochner Prize 2021 for her coverage of the pandemic in journals, features and podcasts. The jury found that Ziegler had “tirelessly prepared the sometimes contradictory wealth of information for radio listeners in a factual, comprehensible, balanced, level-headed and always cutting-edge manner”.

The Power of Science

The 8th Vienna Ball of Sciences will take place on January 29, 2022 at the Vienna City Hall. Under particularly strict Corona rules. And thanks to the power of science.

The one piece of good news: according to the current rules, the ball will take place. Why are we, as the organizing committee, daring the experiment? Because we are imposing particularly strict rules based on the findings of science. Continue reading The Power of Science

Tango as science

Milonga in the Grey Salon / Photo: Roland Ferrigato

It happens frequently that the Science Ball becomes the object of research. A particularly fine example is a musicological publication by Stefano Elefante, who since 2018 has left an extremly elegant footprint on the dancefloor of our Tango Bar with his excellent Tango Argentino dancers. In the extraordinarily well-researched paper (“Gran Balli e Millonghe”), which appeared in the most important Italian tango blog in the fall of 2020, Stefano Elefante et al explain the similarities and differences between milongas in Buonos Aires and balls in Vienna: Continue reading Tango as science

Many thanks!


Thank you very much for your interest in our premiere last Friday! Due to the great response, the server of our homepage collapsed for a short while. Therefore, here below is the link to our recording. And on Friday, February 12, the Vienna Ball of Science 2021 Corona Edition ft. Science Busters will be broadcast again on the city station W24 at 9:30 pm. Continue reading Many thanks!

I got it from Agnes: Viennese version


The great song “I got it from Agnes” by the legendary Tom Lehrer concisely explains how chains of infection are created (see the original version: At the 7th Vienna Ball of Science Corona Edition ft. Science Busters the lesson in epidemiology was performed by Anne Wieben, accompanied by Nuno Maulide. And as an encore, we have specially created a karaoke version in Viennese! Have fun! Continue reading I got it from Agnes: Viennese version

Partners 2021: AIT

The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is Austria’s largest research and technology organisation. Among the European research institutes, AIT is a specialist in the key infrastructure issues of the future. As an Ingenious Partner to industry and public institutions, AIT is already researching and developing the technologies, methods and tools of tomorrow ‑ paving the way for the innovations of the day after tomorrow.

As one of our Partners 2021, the AIT enables us to carry out our campaign for more and better science communication in times of Corona and climate change. Thank you very much!

Rescue Horizon Europe


Photo: IST Austria

Dear friends and guests of the Science Ball!

The role of basic research is immense. Without basic research there is no development of energy alternatives and Covid vaccines to combat climate change and the corona pandemic.

The currently planned cuts of 36 billion euros in the budget of the EU research program “Horizon Europe” are not only short-sighted, but negligent.  The “Rescue Horizon Europe” campaign intends to convince the EU Commission, the EU Parliament and the European Council (in which the Austrian federal government has a seat and a vote) to change their mind at the last minute.

We support  together with 1400 researchers throughout Europe, including 8 Nobel Prize winners, and the umbrella organizations of about 800 universities this campaign and ask you to do the same with your signature:

By the way: without basic research there is no science ball. It’s as simple as that.