All posts by Oliver Lehmann

The ball poster 2019

We are happy to announce our new poster for the Vienna Ball of Sciences 2019 in time for the beginn of carneval on the 11th of November at 11:11 o’clock. The poster was once more designed by Austrian-Canadian illustrator Lilly Panholzer. This year, she has been inspired by electrons, as the dancing couples make their way around the atomic nucleus. In the course of the next weeks, the dancers will be seen around the city. If you spot one, we invite you to send a photo to . To download just click and save.

Ball Photos 2018

Although we got our #SciBall selfies on our mobile phones, professional photos of the ball are a special memory. We can offer two sources of supply:

Pictures for free by our partner Warda can be found here:

Prints are on sale at “The Event Photographers” – pics can be viewed and downloaded here:

Further we recommend images taken by  Kerstin Zimmermann for 

Finally, the photos by our ball photographer Roland Ferrigato are on display in our gallery “Ball images 2018” .

Riddle of alchemy

Find here the riddle by Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms (VCLA) at the at the ball: Ppen the doors to other dimensions – with logic. Help alchemy find its way into the world of modern science by solving the puzzle. Your task: fill in the grid with the four alchemical symbols for earth, fire, water and air, such that the same symbols never touch each other, not even diagonally, by putting exactly one symbol in each rectangle, no matter the size of the rectangle. The puzzle was created especially for the Vienna Ball of Sciences by Maarten Löffler, University of Utrecht. Continue reading Riddle of alchemy

Regular tickets sold out!

Usually, we take a break during the festive season. The enormous demand for tickets obliges us to come back from the break. With our gratitude to our supporters and our sympathy to all those who did not manage to acquire tickets in time we have to terminate the sales of regular tickets. The only category currently still avaialable are tables in the grand hall and in the adjacent rooms (re offers at our webshop). Continue reading Regular tickets sold out!

Tix for students sold out!

Bildschirmfoto-2015-01-26-um-17.05.38-e1453198754898This is a first. Because of extremly high demand we have to cancel selling student tickets before Christmas as the quota is completely exhausted. Regular tickets at € 90 are meanwhile still available. And as a Christmas present we are offering 200 tickets and 10 tables in the grand hall and the adjacent rooms at a  5% discount! For bookings please proceed to the  webshop.


Happy Holidays 2017!

Edit Dec 28, 2017: We have to terminate the discount campaign as the regular tickets sold out much faster then we expected. Apologies from the organising team.

We thank you for your support and attention in the last weeks! Therefore we have prepared  a special surprise for friends and fans of the Science Ball: We are giving away 5% discount on 200 full price tickets as well as on tables in the ballroom and the adjacent rooms, which are ordered in our onlineshop until January 6,  2018. This image of the ball ambassadors was taken on December 12, 2017 in the Stadtsenatssitzungsaal of the Vienna City Hall by Sabine Hauswirth. The inscription of the majolica fireplace in the background says: “Sapienta aedificabitur, prudentia gubernabitur” which means: “With wisdom we will build the house, with acuity it should be governed.” On behalf of the organizing team, supporters and ball ambassadors, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Continue reading Happy Holidays 2017!

Kenan Dogan Güngör

“Science is generally said to be more content-analytical and therefore a little hostile to life and fun. Well, which other city would be more appropriate to contradict this assumption than Vienna with its time-honored tradition of balls? Viennese style and freely adapted from Max Weber: cool and distant in analysis, passionate in the matter – and Viennese when it comes to parties … “

The sociologist Kenan Güngör sees himself as a German-speaking European with Kurdish-Turkish roots. He is founder of the “Office for Society, Organization and Development – think.difference” in Vienna which advises and accompanies state and non-governmental organisations at federal, state and local level as an consultant and international expert on integration and diversity issues.

Photo: Magdalena Possert