The Honorary Committee 2025
A honorary committee is an important part of every traditional Viennese ball. With their participation, the members of this honorary committee emphasize the excellence, diversity and internationality of Vienna’s universities and research institutions. All rectors and directors of all universities, private universities, universities of applied sciences in the Vienna region are part of the honorary committee, as well as the presidents of ÖAW, ISTA, IIASA, AIT and Wolfgang Pauli Institute. They represent the valuable contribution of scientists and researchers, teaching staff and students to the social climate and intellectual capital, towards a culture of enlightenment and a cosmopolitan atmosphere, in short – towards a tolerant spirit in this city.
Univ.Prof.Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen
Federal Preisdent of the Republic of Austria
Chair of the Board of Honour
Dr. Michael Ludwig
Mayor of Vienna
Chairs of the Honorary Committee
ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Polaschek
Federal Minister für Eduaction, Science and Research (until 1/25)
Leonore Gewessler, BA
Federal Minister for Environment, Energy and Infrastructure (until 1/25)
Dr. Johannes Hahn
EU Commissioner for Budget and Administration (until 12/24)
Board of Honour
Christoph Wiederkehr, MA
Deputy Mayor and City Councillor for Education, Youth, Integration and Transparency
Mag.ª Veronica Kaup-Hasler
City Councillor for Arts and Science
Honorary committee
11) Prof. Dr. John Schellnhuber
Director General & CEO, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
14) MMag. DDr. Ulrike Greiner
Rektorin der Kirchlich-Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems

21) Prof. Dr. Ing. Jens Schneider
Rektor der Technischen Universität Wien

22) Petra Schaper Rinkel
Rektorin der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien (until 1/25)

27) Prof. Dr. Johannes Pollak
Director Webster Vienna Private University (until 12/24)