And here it is! The ball programm 2025! In addition to the classic elements of a ball such as the pageant of the debutants , the midnight quadrille and dance music ranging from Swing to Disco and Rap to Latin and Tango, the ball is characterized by charging the classical elements with scientific knowledge. For the floorplan go to the end of page.
20.00: Doors open
20:00: Opening
– Styling Corner (Feststiege 1)
– Wrinkle-free Photo Booth (Lounge)
– Axolotl Photo Op (quantA-Bar)
– VCLA Logic Quiz (Feststiege 2)
20.15: Disco (Ground floor)
1st rehearsal of the midnight quadrille with Florian Vana
20.30: Disco (Ground floor)
2nd rehearsal of the midnight quadrille with Florian Vana
21.00: Grand ball room
– Official opening
– Fanfare by the Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien
– Ouverture: “Straussiana” by Erich Wolfgang Korngold
– Pageant of the Debutants by Tanzschule Kraml
– Alles Walzer with the ball orchestra Divertimento Viennese (Conductor: Vinzenz Praxmarer)
21.30: Grand ball room (opposite of stage)
Taxi dancers (until 01.30 Uhr)
21.30: Steinsaal 1
Saki the Artist: Works of art from upcycled lab plastics (continuously)
21.30: Tango-Bar
Pico Tango & DJ Stefano Elefante (continuously)
21.30: Wappensaal
Saxophone Affairs (continuously)
21.30: Nordbüffet
Jam Music Lab All Stars Band (continuously)
21.30: Disco (Ground floor)
DJ gabe*babe
21.30: quantA-Bar
Performance: Sounds of Entanglement (15 minutes)
22.00: quantA-Bar
Performance: Sounds of Entanglement (15 minutes)
22.30: quantA-Bar
Performance: Sounds of Entanglement (15 minutes)
23.15: quantA-Bar
Performance: Sounds of Entanglement (15 minutes)
00.00: Grand ball room
– Midnight extravaganza: Katia Ledoux
– Sing-along: Ode to Joy with the MUK soloists
– Midnight quadrille with Florian Vana
01.00: Festsaal
Alles Walzer with the ball orchestra Divertimento Viennese (until 04.00 Uhr)
01.00: Disco (Ground floor)
Donna Savage
01.00: Disco (Ground floor)
DJ Pyromana (until 04.00 Uhr)
01.30: quantA-Bar
Performance: Sounds of Entanglement (15 minutes)
02.00: Festsaal
Midnight quadrille in English with Florian Vana
02.00: quantA-Bar
Performance: Sounds of Entanglement (15 minutes)
04.00: Finale