Category Archives: General

Nicole Amberg: gender equality as driving force

Foto: Peter Rigaud

“An inherent feature of science is to ask questions leading to a better understanding of the world. However, the scientific system immediately has to be questioned regarding its accessibility for different individuals, since societies and academic institutions still lack homogenous access to education, opportunities and chances. Thus, science is depleted of diversity in terms of gender, ethnicity and ultimately and most importantly: mindsets. Continue reading Nicole Amberg: gender equality as driving force

The Power of Science

The 8th Vienna Ball of Sciences will take place on January 29, 2022 at the Vienna City Hall. Under particularly strict Corona rules. And thanks to the power of science.

The one piece of good news: according to the current rules, the ball will take place. Why are we, as the organizing committee, daring the experiment? Because we are imposing particularly strict rules based on the findings of science. Continue reading The Power of Science

Tango as science

Milonga in the Grey Salon / Photo: Roland Ferrigato

It happens frequently that the Science Ball becomes the object of research. A particularly fine example is a musicological publication by Stefano Elefante, who since 2018 has left an extremly elegant footprint on the dancefloor of our Tango Bar with his excellent Tango Argentino dancers. In the extraordinarily well-researched paper (“Gran Balli e Millonghe”), which appeared in the most important Italian tango blog in the fall of 2020, Stefano Elefante et al explain the similarities and differences between milongas in Buonos Aires and balls in Vienna: Continue reading Tango as science

Many thanks!


Thank you very much for your interest in our premiere last Friday! Due to the great response, the server of our homepage collapsed for a short while. Therefore, here below is the link to our recording. And on Friday, February 12, the Vienna Ball of Science 2021 Corona Edition ft. Science Busters will be broadcast again on the city station W24 at 9:30 pm. Continue reading Many thanks!

Behind the Scenes! Sci Ball + Science Busters

Just in time for our video premiere on February 5th (21:30 on W24 and again on February 12th) we present a glance behind the scenes!

All photos (c) Roland Ferrigato

Ronald S. Lauder: A sign of enlightenment

“I congratulate Mayor Dr. Michael Ludwig on his success in greatly fostering education, internationalism, and science in Vienna, and in creating for them the space that this extraordinary cosmopolitan city needs for its prosperous future. May the traditional Vienna Ball of Sciences continue to reflect a visible sign of enlightenment, of openness to the world, and of the joy of knowledge from the heart of Europe.”

Ronald S. Lauder is President of the World Jewish Congress and President of the Lauder Business School in Vienna.