Category Archives: Ball 2024


From Busua in Ghana to Pongau in Salzburg, BEX has carved her path right into the heart of the Vienna music scene, culminating in a performance at the 2024 Vienna Science Ball.

A sneak peek into the sounds by Chiara Joos

It’s not just the different locations that characterize BEX, it’s also her passionate dedication to music. About two years ago, her musical journey began at a demonstration in Vienna, where she has been residing since 2019. It was there that the paths of the now 25-year-old BEX and the singer Aengl (formerly W1ze) crossed. Their connection extends beyond political protests – both not only faced racist experiences but also shared a musical taste. Progressing swiftly, two collaborative songs emerged, earning a spot on Aengl’s EP „Down Low.“ The initial performances followed suit. In 2022, a year later, not only was the joint EP nominated for the Best Sound category at the Amadeus Austrian Music Awards, but BEX also stood on stage as a live act, attracting national attention for the first time. Continue reading Bex/Beats/Body

Veggie food tasting

Climate protection with ratatouille

Vegetarian diets are not only healthy for the individual – but also for the planet. To be tasted at the science ball.

A tasting session by Chiara Joos

Pixar style

(PR) Environmental vegetarianism is a current trend that goes beyond the sustainability scene and Insta-influencers. The Oxford study of the Livestock, Environment and People (LEAP) project conducted research into this. This is not just about satisfying hunger, but about a lifestyle that aims to protect the planet. Continue reading Veggie food tasting

Disco climate

Between art and climate change

In January, large-format works by two students from the Academy of Fine Arts decorate the ball discotheque. From April onwards, the entire city will become a gallery when the first Climate Biennale addresses change through art

A tour by Chiara Joos

From the beginning of April to mid-July, Vienna will be the venue for the first Climate Biennale. The focus is on one mission: enabling a paradigm shift for a livable future on our planet. The Biennale relies on participation, cooperation and awareness-raising as central elements in order to jointly shape answers to the urgent challenges of the climate crisis. Similarly, but on a disco scale of the science ball, two students from the Academy of Fine Arts, Olesia Bieliavtseva (left in the picture) and Alisa Efremova (right), also want to make their artistic contribution to climate awareness.

Continue reading Disco climate



A surge between abandonment and preservation

Inspired by an impressive work by the artist Sabine Müller-Funk, the Science Ball invites its guests to capture the crucial concepts in the era of climate change. A message: joint action is the basis of change

An experimental setup by Oliver Lehmann

The questions that Sabine Müller-Funk asks herself and us in the context of climate change are strikingly simple – and that’s why they are so effective: What do we want to do without? And what do we want to preserve? Continue reading Abandonment/Preservation

Georg Gottlob: Natural intelligence is having a ball

Artificial intelligence in the form of machine learning, large language models such as ChatGPT is currently revolutionizing society and the economy, as well as universities and science. The basic techniques such as neural networks or large language models have been around for a long time, but in recent years a disruptive process has begun through which AI is massively penetrating all areas. Continue reading Georg Gottlob: Natural intelligence is having a ball

Change takes root

The changing climate is also transforming Vienna’s green spaces. New species are designed to withstand higher temperatures. At the Science Ball 2024, olives and pomegranates will decorate the tables.

A visit to the tree nursery by Chiara Joos

Such ancient olives are still only found in the Mediterranean region. With a little patience one day in Vienna’s parks / Photo: Creative Commons / Günther Liendl

An evening that captivates the senses and gets people dancing requires a decoration that is just as unique. This year the table decorations are all about the climate, or more precisely: the olive. The trees with the small, round stone fruits are the winners from climate change. Cultivated and processed in a variety of ways in the Mediterranean region for thousands of years, they could soon triumph here too. The florists at the Vienna City Gardens are already setting the trend by decorating the banquet hall tables with small olive trees. But these Mediterranean trees are not only in miniature format, but also in large format in some places in Austria. Continue reading Change takes root

Whale song and Schmusechor

The highlights of the 9th Science Ball

Climate as a focus: Walfisch Poldi, CO2 cubes and the cuddle choir • Premiere of the ball lecture at the ÖAW: Marc Abrahams on the meaning of science communication • And again, the ball is completely sold out

The science ball is entering the home stretch: two weeks to the major event, the final preparations are being made to delight the audience with scientific and artistic performances on January 27th. Ball organizer Oliver Lehmann: “Since the ground floor of the town hall is available to us again this year, we can welcome 4,000 guests this time. The ball is completely sold out. There will be no box office on the evening of the ball itself.” Continue reading Whale song and Schmusechor