Category Archives: Archive

Sergey Zotchev

“Before coming to Vienna, I had never heard about balls that are arranged to celebrate science. What a wonderful idea! Gathering scientists, people from industry and politicians for such an event and at such a beautiful location can – besides bringing lots of joy – foster new connections and further promote Austrian research and education. Vienna has certainly much to offer to those curious in mind and those, who simply like to enjoy life. Let’s be both! I am very much looking forward to this year’s Vienna Ball of Sciences, and hope to learn how to waltz just in time.”

Sergey Zotchev is Professor of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at the Department of Pharmacognosy/University of Vienna since September 2015.

Nuno Maulide

“A central topic in chemistry are the reactions that change chemical bonds. This phenomenon of transformation can also be transferred to the ball: the Vienna Ball of Sciences demonstrates how this format of a ball, which has long been regarded as very traditional, can be transformed into a modern and inspiring event that now has fans all over the world. And allegedly, the ball might also create new interesting bonds through reactions on the dance floor. ”

Nuno Maulide is Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Vienna. He is member of the ÖAW Young Curia. In 2015 he received a ERC Grant, the highest research grant from the European Union, already for the second time. In addition, Maulide has rendered services as a science broker at the Vienna Children’s University

Photo: © Universität Wien/

Andrea Ladinig

“The Vienna Science Ball is a great new tradition that brings scientists from all fields together. I think it’s particularly nice that the ‘scientific community’ has a special reason to meet outside of conferences. Just as spectacular ball nights are inextricably linked with Vienna, internationality, health and sustainability are part of Vetmeduni Vienna. To ensure that all ball guests can enjoy their Schnitzel Roll and Sacher Sausages, we advocate using innovative livestock medicine for healthy food. ”

Andrea Ladinig is the head of the University Clinic for Swine at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna since August 2017. She is specialized on the PRRS virus, which is considered one of the most significant viral diseases of pigs and which currently causes high losses in pig production.

Tickets on sale for 4th Science Ball

Large demand due to late semester break – Past balls all sold out

13939401_657418807745243_7957485962354048390_nVienna (OTS) – Starting Monday, November 13, 2017, tickets for the 4th Vienna Science Ball will be available in the web shop. As the previous events were sold out early, the chair of the organizing committee Oliver Lehmann expects for this year’s ball an even greater demand, also as the semester break this year starts one week later. Tickets can be booked at Continue reading Tickets on sale for 4th Science Ball

The ball poster 2018!

May the curtain rise for the ballposter 2018! The artwork was made by the Canadian-Austrian illustrator Lilly Panholzer. With this poster we continue our tradition to interpret the classic ballposter as our contribution to the beginning of the carneval season. Ballroom classics like “Fly me to the moon” spring to mind. The poster will pop up in the coming days around town. Evidence pictures are welcome. Do have fun.

“Fly me to the moon / Let me play among the stars / Let me see what spring is like / On a, Jupiter and Mars / In other words, hold my hand In other words, baby, kiss me // Fill my heart with song / And let me sing for ever more / You are all I long for / All I worship and adore / In other words, please be true / In other words, I love you // Fill my heart with song / Let me sing for ever more / You are all I long for / All I worship and adore / In other words, please be true / In other words, in other words / I love you”

Illustrating a ball: Lilly Panholzer

Lilly Panholzer is a digital illustrator. She describes her style as contemporary and nostalgic, influenced by vintage mid-century art using minimal, curvy shapes and a limited colour palette. Her vibrant and lively editorial illustration has caught international attention and is sought by diverse newspapers, magazines, and industry globally. Her portfolio ranges from collaborations with editorial companies to visual artwork design for articles and reports to packaging illustrations for consumer brands, as well as the art direction of personal projects. Continue reading Illustrating a ball: Lilly Panholzer

Giulia Enders

“According to Albert Einstein, the highest form of research is the game. So a good question is: What is dance then? This and other things you can think about, while gliding fancy dressed and tipsy in the Viennese ballroom. I also heard the food should be great and the audience cosmopolitan – how elegant!”

Giulia Enders studied medicine and wrote a bestseller. Her book “Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ” was the best-selling hardcover non-fiction book in Germany in 2014 with over one million copies. Now she is writing her doctoral thesis in Gastroenterology at the University Hospital Frankfurt am Main. Giulia is the winner of the 2017 Heinz Oberhummer Award for Science Communication 2017 which she will receive on November 25, 2017, in Vienna.   
Photo: Jill Enders

Ball magazine 2017 online!

Our ball-magazine 2017 may now also be found online! On 68 pages we provide insights and information about the scientific highlights at the 3rd Vienna Ball of Sciences: Where to find science in Vienna, what about the great artwork in the ball-disco, which plants provide sensual atmosphere, how to discover archaeological treasures, and what is Tom Lehrer actually singing about? Furthermore we are presenting the refugees initiative MORE, as again all earnings of the ball casino went to this institution; the “human computers” from the movie Hidden Figures, our special ball wine 2017 and many more interesting topics. Enjoy reading our ball-magazine 2017!


The moment…

… the complete audience in the grand ball room of Vienna’s town hall turned to welcome President Alexander Van der Bellen as guest of honor at the 3rd Science Ball on 28 January 2017.

© PID/Christian Jobst

For the President’s words of welcome please see German version.