Category Archives: Archive

Sonja Hammerschmid

hammerschmied_andy_wenzel_logo_en“The Vienna Ball of Sciences is an important event to present and strengthen the Austrian capital of Vienna as an excellent centre of knowledge. To me as the Federal Minister for Education, but also as a woman working in the scientific community for quite a long time, it is especially pleasing, that this ball enables two important aspects: On the one hand side, it presents research to people interested in this field in a very manifold and fascinating way, on the other hand, scientists from various disciplines get together. Continue reading Sonja Hammerschmid

Jo Abernethy

“It has been my dream since I was a little girl to attend a ball in Vienna. I have pictured myself dancing in a ballroom. (So) your invitation was overwhelming and so exciting!”

Jo Abernethy, Bexleyheath, Kent, UK

Ruth Wodak

161121_wodaklogo_en“Thank you for this amazing idea, enabling ‘science to waltz’! Science is not only about lots of work and discipline; moreover, fun with and passion for research are inseparable parts of our life. Vienna of course is a perfect spot for such a ball – highlighting an important signal for internationality and diversity. Therefore, I am very much looking forward to this marvellous event.”

Ruth Wodak is a linguist, who is Emeritus Distinguished Professor and Chair in Discourse Studies at Lancaster University as well as Professor in Linguistics at the University of Vienna. In 2011 the Wittgenstein Prize laureate was awarded the Grand Decoration of Honour in Silver for Services to the Republic of Austria.

Giulio Superti-Furga

g-superti-furgapichler_en“Do not miss this opportunity to get know the Austrian ball culture by visiting the Science Ball 2017, and to celebrate the profession of a researcher and the importance of science for society in a very special setting. To me this event is more than a ball. It is a great chance for scientists to show they exist, to stand up for diversity and for different cultural backgrounds that are a clear advantage to successful research and innovation, and to celebrate scientific achievements not only with colleagues and friends, but also with the public. Let’s make the Science Ball 2017 a highlight of the ball season!”

Prof. Dr. Giulio Superti-Furga is a molecular and systems biologist. He is the director of CeMM, Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Photo: Pichler

MORE – refugee initiative of Austrian universities

_fer8019-kopieIn September 2015, the Universities Austria uniko founded the MORE-initiative. Young people coming to Austria after fleeing their country, bear a lot of potential and knowledge, which may be successfully fostered and integrated in the receiving societies. With basic needs such as shelter, food and medical care fulfilled, MORE seeks to develop future opportunities for refugees. This year, the Vienna Ball of Sciences again supports this great initiative with all generated money at the roulette-table of our partner Casinos Austria.    Continue reading MORE – refugee initiative of Austrian universities

Tickets on sale for 3rd Science Ball

Large demand due to late semester break – Past balls all sold out

13939401_657418807745243_7957485962354048390_nVienna (OTS) – Starting Monday, November 14, tickets for the 3rd Vienna Ball of Sciences are available in the web shop. As the previous events were sold out early, the Chair of the Organizing committee Oliver Lehmann expects for this year’s ball night an even greater demand, also as the semester break this year starts one week later. Tickets can be booked at Continue reading Tickets on sale for 3rd Science Ball

A Tribute to Helmut Veith

Helmut Veith (1971-2016) was one of the first supporters of and contributors to the Vienna Ball of Sciences.

Himself a worldwide renowned computer scientist the professor at TU Vienna believed fervently in the necessity and acquirable ability to communicate science to the public.

At the premiere of the ball in January 2015 Helmut explained the concepts of probability and game theory at the roulette table. In March 2016 Helmut passed away tragically.

We mourn a friend of outstanding wisdom, irresistible wit, untameable curiosity – and a hairdo a like.

For detailed tributes see and

Fatima Ferreira

VR Ferreira Foto Scheinast_72_logo“A Science Ball? That’s brilliant: researchers moving with the beat of the music in well-timed steps intermingled with unexpected twists and turns, yet graciously flowing.  What a wonderful metaphor that perfectly captures the research scene in Vienna and Austria!”

Fatima Ferreira, Wissenschaftlerin des Jahres 2008, Allergologin, Vize-Rektorin für Forschung der Universität Salzburg

Foto: Scheinast