“The Natural History Museum Vienna conveys the diversity of nature, the evolution of planet Earth and of life, and the related cultural development of mankind. The museum is thus an inspiring meeting place where dialogue and exchange between science and the public take place.
Making research visible is not only the aim of the 8th Vienna Ball of Science, but is also a core task of the NHM Vienna, where more than 60 scientists conduct basic research. As Ball Ambassador and Director General of the NHM Vienna, I wish the Ball organizers and the participating scientific community that research and science can be experienced even better by a broad audience, to which the Ball in Vienna City Hall will also make a wonderful contribution in a relaxed atmosphere.”
Katrin Vohland has been General Director and Scientific Director of the Natural History Museum Vienna since 2020. Previously, the biologist worked at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and then at the Museum of Natural History in Berlin.