Martina Lindorfer

“Vienna is – in the best sense of the word – different and I cannot imagine any other city which successfully combines two things which, at the first glance, seem to be very distinct: a time-honoured ball tradition and future-oriented research. But since standing still is the enemy of a successful night (especially at a ball), Grace Hopper’s motto is also true for the Ball of Sciences: “The most dangerous phrase in the language is, ‘We’ve always done it this way.’” I am therefore looking forward to an extraordinary combination of a classical ball with scientific impulses.”

Martina Lindorfer is assistant professor in the Security & Privacy Group at the TU Wien and key researcher at SBA Research, the largest research center in Austria which exclusively addresses information security. In her research she is specialising on methods for automatic recognition and defense of malware on mobile devices. She was awarded the Hedy-Lamarr-Preis 2019 by the City of Vienna, which honours Austrian scientists for their innovative accomplishments within IT. In 2017 she graduated „Sub Auspiciis Praesidentis“ at the TU Wien, between 2016 und 2018 she was a Postdoc at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Grace Hopper was an US-American computer scientist and navy admiral who pioneered computer programming.

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