“Alles Walzer” – There is something unique about the Viennese ball season and this traditional call to the dance floor. I must admit that I was confused at my first ball in Vienna, the TU Ball in 1997 in the Hofburg: I felt like I was back in Vienna at the end of the 19th century. You first have to understand that this is how carnival is celebrated in Vienna in order to really enjoy the balls. There is no question that the balls in January in particular are now fixed points in the calendar. Maintaining this tradition and giving scientists their own stage with the Vienna Ball of Sciences is a great idea, but much more important is the contribution that this ball makes to science communication. And that ties in directly with my new task:
There are so many exciting projects in Vienna that address “technology” that, from today’s perspective, no more are needed. Rather, it is about exploiting the potential of what is available through better coordination, more knowledge of each other, use of synergies, scaling, improving sustainability, etc. Ultimately, however, it is also about (scientific) communication, working with young people, pointing out possibilities and supporting them in recognizing their own potential and making decisions on this basis.
Sabine Seidler was appointed the STEM representative of the City of Vienna in 2024. Born in Sangerhausen (GDR) in 1961, the materials scientist was Rector of the TU Vienna from 2011 to 2023 and President of the Austrian University Conference (uniko) from 2020 to 2023.