“Media is not only my job, but I do love it. As a founder and editor of magazines and of course as a journalist, I am confronted by the broad sphere of science daily. Science and media are strongly linked to each other, as scientists need media for conveying their messages. Media can communicate findings and improvements from the ivory tower of science into society, we may transform ground-breaking research findings into breaking news and therefore we are democratizing knowledge. All of the amazing, progressive, thrilling or frightening news investigated and conveyed by journalists are not imaginable without a scientific base. If we do for instance think of the number-one-topic in women’s magazines, namely anti-aging and health – it is a never ending story, both scientifically and in the media… We, journalists are reliant on you, scientist. Contrariwise it is of course also quite good, that we do exist 🙂
I am very pleased supporting this amazing ball of sciences as a ball ambassador and I am of course very much looking forward to lots of great reporting pages on this ball in the media! Let’s spend the night together…”
Uschi Pöttler-Fellner, publisher
Photo: Olga Rubio Dalmau